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6 minute read
13 Mar 2024

Learn how to easily Transcribe a Lecture in 3 steps

Automatic transcription

Imagine being in a packed auditorium, eagerly taking notes as your professor lectures on your favorite topic. But at the end of the class, you realize that you’re missing a few key points. What do you do to ensure you don’t keep missing vital details?

One option you should consider is to record and transcribe lectures. Lecture transcription can be a helpful way to fill in the gaps in your notes and review complex material.

But how do you transcribe lectures to text? While the process can be daunting and time-consuming, you can do a few things to make it easier.

This post will tell you everything you need to know about lecture transcripts. We will walk you through the steps of transcribing a lecture and how to use automatic tools like Amberscript.

What is a Transcript?

A transcript is a written record of spoken dialogue or sounds. It could be a record of what someone said during a lecture, class, or meeting.

For example, you can have a lecture transcript and use it in various ways. You can use the transcript script to preserve a dialogue for later review. You can make a transcript of an audio or video file by transcribing it yourself or using a transcription service.

Most of the time, transcripts are verbatim, which means they contain all the “ums,” “ers,” and false starts. However, you can also create a condensed transcript that only includes the main points. 

Some tools will allow you to transcribe lectures to text for free. So, you can try out a few options before you decide on the transcript with the best quality. 

How Recording and Transcribing Your Lecture Can Help with Your Learning?

Transcribing lecture to text will help you improve your grades in several ways. First, it’ll help you follow along with the lecture material better. If you can’t understand what your professor is saying or if you miss a key point, you can always refer back to the transcript.

You’ll have a written record to review later. This is especially useful if you struggle to process verbal information. The increased flexibility in information access can increase your comprehension of the lecture material.

A lecture transcript will come in handy if you have a short attention span. On average, adults have an attention span of between 15 and 20 minutes.

If you struggle to focus during long lectures, transcription can help. You can use the transcript to catch up on all the points you might have missed when your mind started to wander.

Learning how to transcribe a lecture can also help you become a better note-taker. With verbatim transcripts of classes, you can go back and fill in any gaps in your notes. This is a great way to catch up on lectures you may have missed or to review complex concepts.

Lecture transcripts will also increase your learning accessibility. If you’re a hard-of-hearing student, you can use transcripts to follow along with lectures. Some professors will make their lecture transcripts available to students, but you can also create your own. 

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Steps of Transcribing a Lecture

Transcribing lectures to text doesn’t have to be a long or daunting task. Following these simple steps will help you transcribe lectures with ease.

1.Get Permission to Record the Lecture

Some professors are against students recording lectures, and you don’t want to get in trouble. In most cases, they intend to protect their intellectual property. So, before you start recording, get permission from your professor.

They may have specific requirements for how you can use the recordings or transcripts. For example, they may only allow you to use the recordings for your personal use. Or, they may specify that you can only use the recordings for a certain amount of time.

Some professors might not be comfortable with being recorded. Others may object to specific recording devices.

If you’re unsure about your professor’s policy on recording, it’s best to err on the side of caution and ask for clarification. Some professors will gladly give you a transcript if you explain that you need it for accommodation purposes.

You should also let your classmates know you’ll be recording the lecture. Some people are uncomfortable with being recorded and have the right to opt-out.

2.Record the Lecture

Once you have permission to record the lecture, you need to choose a recording device. If you’re allowed to use your cell phone, that’s usually the easiest option. You can also use a digital recorder or a laptop with a microphone.

If you’re using a digital recorder, remember to test the microphone before the lecture begins. You don’t want to waste time fiddling with the recorder when the class is in progress.

If you’re using a laptop, open the recording software and test the microphone. Once you’ve confirmed that the recording is working, put the laptop in airplane mode and close all other programs.

The goal is to minimize distractions from notifications during the lecture. It’s good practice to avoid such distractions even when you have a classroom meeting via Zoom.

Once you have your recording device ready, find a seat where you’ll be able to hear the lecture clearly.  Sitting close to the speaker will ensure that the microphone picks up their voice. Start recording a few minutes before the lecture begins so you can capture any important announcements.

Bonus tip: if you only have your phone to hand, you can use the Amberscript app to record your lecture.

Woman holding an iPhone with Amberscript transcription app launched on screen

3.Upload the Recording to Amberscript

Transcribing lectures by hand can be time-consuming and tedious. Amberscript is an excellent transcription tool that can save you hours of work.

To transcribe your lecture with Amberscript, first, create an account and log in. Then, upload your lecture recording. Amberscript accepts the most common audio and video file formats, including MP3, M4A, WAV, and MP4.

When you finish uploading your file, Amberscript will start transcribing the lecture. You can follow along with the transcription in real-time. You can also wait for the software to finish transcribing the entire lecture.

How Automatic Transcription Works at Amberscript

Amberscript is software that automatically converts video and audio to text through speech recognition. It saves you the stress you would otherwise undergo if you decided to transcribe lectures to text manually.

Once you upload your audio or video file to Amberscript, you’ll need to select and open it. It’s vital to note that Amberscript works best with shorter files that don’t exceed 120 minutes.

If you have a longer file, you can break it into smaller sections. Before clicking on the “proceed” button, you should choose your preferred transcription language.

To transcribe your file, Amberscript will start by queuing it and convert the audio to text.

When the transcription process begins, this will take about ten minutes. However, this time can vary depending on the length of your file.

Amberscript is powered speech recognition technology. This is similar to the technology that powers Google’s live captioning feature that you’ll see on YouTube videos. Amberscript is constantly learning and improving to enhance its transcription accuracy.

Amberscript uses speech recognition technology to create a rough draft of your transcript. Once the transcription process is done, you’ll be sent a link to your file via email. You’ll also be given access to an online text editor that allows you to improve the text or make any changes you’d like. The whole process is done in a safe and secure environment, so you’ll be the only one who will have access to your transcript.

Example of the Amberscript online editor tool

Start Using Amberscript to Transcribe a Lecture to Text

Learning how to transcribe lecture to text will save you time and effort. You’ll enjoy the transcription process because it’s simple, especially when you use Amberscript.

All you’ll need to do is upload your recorded lectures to our software. This automatic transcription tool will do the rest of the work and leave you room to make improvements. If you’re worried about the tedious transcription process, try using Amberscript today.

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