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10 minute read
26 Apr 2023

Subtitles for the creation of educational content in different languages

Education is a critical component of human development and progress, and the rise of digitalization has brought about revolutionary changes in the way education is delivered. However, despite the increased accessibility of education, there is still a significant challenge in creating educational content in different languages to cater to the diverse linguistic needs of learners.

Fortunately, there is a solution that has emerged as a game-changer in promoting the accessibility and inclusivity of educational content – translated subtitles. In this article, we will delve into the significance of providing translations for educational content in different languages and the benefits of using subtitles for this purpose. We will also explore how translated subtitles are making education more accessible to non-native speakers and why it’s an essential tool for promoting inclusivity in the education system.

Table of Contents

What are translated subtitles?

Translated subtitles refer to the process of translating the original language of video or audio content into the target language and displaying the translated text at the bottom of the screen. With the increasing importance of e-learning and online education, translated subtitles have become crucial to ensuring the message of the educational content is accurately conveyed to non-native speakers.

In short, translated subtitles are a critical tool for making educational content accessible to non-native speakers. They provide a way to convey the intended message of the educational content accurately and enable learners to improve their language skills. Translated subtitles can also provide language support, promoting inclusivity and ensuring that everyone has an equal opportunity to learn.

A step-by-step guide

How to create subtitles

Learn more about subtitles

The future of subtitles in e-learning

The future of e-learning is exciting, and the potential for subtitles in this field is immense. The rapid advancement of technology has led to the development of AI-generated subtitles, which has brought a new dimension to education. AI-generated subtitles are created using software like Amberscript, which utilizes artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms to transcribe and translate the audio or video content accurately.

The potential for using AI-generated subtitles is significant, as it can drastically reduce the time and effort needed to create subtitles manually. This technology can automate the transcription and translation process, allowing educators to focus on other essential aspects of educational content creation. AI-generated subtitles can also improve the accuracy of the subtitles, ensuring that non-native speakers receive a more accurate representation of the message being conveyed.

Moreover, subtitles can also be used to create more engaging and interactive e-learning experiences. With the use of subtitles, learners can engage better with the content and can learn at their own pace. Subtitles can also enhance the learning experience, as they enable learners to read along with the audio, making it easier to understand complex ideas and concepts.

All things considered, the future of subtitles in e-learning is bright, with the potential for AI-generated subtitles to revolutionize education. This technology can reduce the time and effort needed to create subtitles while improving their accuracy. Subtitles can also make e-learning more engaging and interactive, leading to a more effective learning experience.

The use of subtitles in different languages

Subtitles have become an essential tool for making educational content accessible to non-native speakers in different languages. However, creating subtitles in less-common languages can be challenging. While most popular languages like English, Spanish, French, and Chinese have readily available translation software, languages with fewer speakers have limited options.

One of the primary challenges of creating subtitles for less-common languages is the lack of qualified translators. It is essential to use a translation service provider with certified translators who are fluent in both languages to ensure accurate translations. Some languages may also have unique structures and cultural nuances that may be lost in translation, making it crucial to find a translator who can accurately convey the intended message of the educational content.

Despite these challenges, using subtitles in less-common languages can have many benefits. For instance, it can help to preserve and promote endangered languages. By creating educational content with subtitles in less-common languages, we can help preserve languages that are in danger of dying out. It can also enable speakers of less-common languages to access educational resources, promoting inclusivity and ensuring that they do not miss out on educational opportunities.

Providing subtitles in different languages can also provide a window into different cultures and ways of thinking. Educational content with subtitles in different languages can help to break down language barriers, encouraging cross-cultural understanding and collaboration. It can also enable learners to develop a more profound appreciation for different cultures and ways of thinking, promoting diversity and inclusion.

In other words, the use of subtitles in different languages is essential for making educational content accessible to non-native speakers. While creating subtitles in less-common languages can be challenging, the benefits of doing so are numerous. Offering subtitles in different languages can also  help preserve and promote endangered languages, promote inclusivity, encourage cross-cultural understanding and collaboration, and promote diversity and inclusion.

Process of creating translated subtitle

Creating translated subtitles is a vital process in making educational content accessible to non-native speakers. It is a multi-step process that involves transcription, translation, formatting, and synchronization. To ensure that the subtitles are accurate, readable, and synchronized, it is also essential to choose the right translation software. Let’s go over this process in more detail. 

4 steps of creating translated subtitles

1. Transcription

Creating translated subtitles involves a multi-step process that begins with transcription. This step involves creating a written version of the audio or video content that will be translated. Transcription is a crucial part of the process as it lays the foundation for the translation and ensures that the content is accurately translated.

2. Translation

After the transcription is complete, the next step is translation. This step involves translating the content from the original language to the target language. It is crucial to guarantee that the translation is accurate conveys the intended message of the educational content correctly. 

3. Formatting

Formatting is another important step in creating high-quality translated subtitles that are easy to read and understand. This step involves choosing the right font size, style, and color to ensure that the text is visible and clear on the screen. Formatting the subtitles for maximum readability also enhances the learning experience for non-native speakers, making the content more accessible and engaging.

4. Synchronization

The final step in the process is synchronization. This step involves timing the subtitles to match the audio or video content. Proper synchronization ensures that the subtitles appear at the right time and duration, enhancing the overall learning experience. Time-coding can be used to match the subtitles to the audio or video content, making the subtitles easier to read and understand.

What to Look For When Choosing a Translation Software

When selecting a translation software, safety, accuracy, usability, and pace are crucial factors to consider. You want to ensure that the software is secure, and that user data is protected. Accuracy is vital so that the translation conveys the intended message of the educational content accurately. Usability ensures that the software is user-friendly, while pace makes it so that the translation is completed in a timely manner. Let’s take a closer look at each of these factors. 

four tips when using a transcription software


Creating translated subtitles is a crucial process in making educational content accessible to non-native speakers. It is essential to choose the right translation software to ensure that the process is secure and user data is protected. When selecting a translation software, safety is a crucial factor to consider. You want to ensure that the software you are using is secure, and that it protects user data from unauthorized access. A reliable translation software should have security features in place to ensure that your data is safe from malicious attacks.


Accuracy is vital when creating translated subtitles to ensure that the intended message of the educational content is conveyed accurately. The right translation software should provide accurate translations and have an intuitive user interface that makes it easy to use. By using a translation software with a high level of accuracy, you can create high-quality translated subtitles that enhance the learning experience for non-native speakers.


Usability is crucial to ensure that the translation software is user-friendly and easy to use. A translation software with a user-friendly interface makes it easier to transcribe and translate the content, ensuring that the process is efficient and accurate. By using a translation software that is easy to use, educators can save time and resources while creating high-quality translated subtitles.


Pace is essential in making sure that the translation process is completed in a timely manner. A translation software that offers a fast turnaround time is beneficial for educators who need to produce subtitles quickly. A software that can provide accurate translations in a timely manner, such as Amberscript allows educators to keep up with the pace of the fast-changing educational landscape. It is important to keep in mind that highly accurate translated subtitles are mainly created manually that generally takes more time than machine-made subtitles.

Most important aspects to consider when creating educational content in different languages

Creating educational content in different languages requires careful consideration of various factors. Three of the most important aspects to consider when creating educational content in different languages are translation quality, formatting and synchronization, and cultural sensitivity.

1. Translation Quality

When it comes to creating educational content in different languages, translation quality is key. The purpose of creating content in different languages is to ensure that the message is conveyed accurately to non-native speakers. To achieve this, it is essential to use a translation service provider with certified translators who are fluent in both languages. This ensures that the translation is accurate and conveys the intended message. Using automated translation tools, on the other hand, may result in inaccurate translations that do not convey the message as intended.

In addition to using certified translators, it’s also important to have the translated content reviewed and edited by a native speaker. This ensures that the content is accurate and easy to understand. Native speakers are familiar with the nuances of their language and can ensure that the content is culturally appropriate, grammatically correct, and uses the right terminology. As such, ensuring that the translation is reviewed by a native speaker is essential to creating high-quality educational content in different languages.

2. Formatting and Synchronization

Formatting and synchronization are essential to ensure that the translated content is easy to read and understand. Proper formatting ensures that the text is visible and clear on the screen, making it easier for non-native speakers to follow along. This includes using the right font size, style, and color. It is also important to ensure that the text is synchronized with the audio or video content, so it appears at the right time and duration.

Time-coding is used to synchronize the text with the audio or video content. This process involves matching the text to the audio or video content, ensuring that the text appears at the right time and for the right duration. Proper time-coding ensures that the text is easy to read and understand, enhancing the overall learning experience. Proper formatting and synchronization are critical to creating high-quality educational content in different languages.

3. Cultural Sensitivity

Cultural sensitivity is essential when creating educational content in different languages. Different cultures have different values, beliefs, and ways of thinking, and it is important to take these differences into account when creating educational content. It is crucial to ensure that the content is culturally appropriate and does not offend or disrespect any culture. This includes using appropriate language, imagery, and examples.

It is also important to consider the impact of cultural differences on the message of the educational content. For instance, certain idioms or expressions may not translate well into other languages, and it is important to find appropriate alternatives to ensure that the message is conveyed accurately. This requires a deep understanding of both cultures and languages. By taking cultural sensitivity into account, educators can create educational content that promotes inclusivity and is accessible to non-native speakers.

Our top choice

Amberscript is a leading platform for creating translated subtitles that prides itself on its accuracy, data safety, and fast turnaround time. 

One of the key features of Amberscript’s translated subtitles is their exceptional accuracy. The platform uses advanced speech recognition technology that can accurately transcribe audio and video files into text. The transcription is then carefully translated by a team of professional translators to ensure the subtitles are precise and culturally appropriate. The platform’s advanced technology ensures that the subtitles accurately reflect the intended message of the content.

Data safety is another important aspect of Amberscript’s translated subtitles. The platform uses strict security protocols to ensure the confidentiality and privacy of user data. The platform is GDPR compliant, and all data is encrypted to prevent unauthorized access. Additionally, the platform does not store any data longer than necessary, which ensures that user data is kept safe and secure. 

Amberscript also offers fast turnaround time when creating translated subtitles. The platform has a team of professional translators who work quickly and efficiently to ensure that subtitles are delivered in a timely manner. This feature is particularly useful for educational purposes with tight deadlines and need to deliver content to a global audience quickly. 


In today’s increasingly digital world, education has become more accessible than ever before. With the help of translated subtitles, educational content can reach a broader audience, including non-native speakers. Translated subtitles provide an excellent solution for promoting inclusivity and accessibility, making educational content available to all learners.

As we explored in this blog post, the future of subtitles in e-learning is bright. Advancements in AI technology, like those offered by Amberscript, are making it easier and faster to create high-quality subtitles. By using subtitles to create more engaging and interactive e-learning experiences, educators can enhance the learning experience for all students.

When creating educational content in different languages, it is important to take into account factors like translation quality, formatting and synchronization, and cultural sensitivity. Ensuring that these aspects are taken into account will help educators create high-quality educational content that is accessible to all learners and promotes inclusivity and cultural sensitivity.

At the end of the day, as technology continues to evolve, we can expect more innovative solutions for creating high-quality educational content in different languages. By taking advantage of these advancements, we can make education more accessible than ever before. 

Frequently asked questions

  • Can I burn the subtitles directly onto my video?

    If you have exported the transcript as a SRT, EBU-STL or VTT file, you can easily burn them onto your video using video-editing software.

  • Can I change the position of the subtitles?

    That needs to be done using a video editor like VLC. Go to Tools > Preferences [CTRL + P]. Under Show settings, select the option that says All to switch to the advanced preferences. Navigate to Input/Codecs > Subtitle codecs > Subtitles. Under Text subtitle decoder set, the Subtitle justification to left, right or center.

  • How do I add subtitles to a YouTube video?

    To add subtitles to your Youtube video, simply add the file you have created using Amberscript to your video in the Youtube Studio. Click on “subtitles”, then “add” and finally “upload file” and select the SRT file.

  • How do I add subtitles to a video on Vimeo?

    To add subtitles to your Vimeo video, simply add the file you have created using Amberscript to your video in the editing window on Vimeo. Click on “distribution”, then “subtitles” and finally click on the + symbol to upload the SRT file.

  • How do I order translated subtitles?

    To order translated subtitles, you can upload your file like you would normally do. You can then select manual subtitling. Once you have selected this, an option will appear where you will be able to select the language the subtitles need to be translated to. If the language that you want is not one of the options you can contact us through our contact form.

  • To which languages can you translate subtitles?

    For our human-made subtitling services we work with a network of language experts in 15 different languages. Find out which here. If the language you want is not on the list, please contact us through our contact form.

  • What subtitle file formats are supported?

    Our software allows you to export the transcript from the video or audio file as an SRT, EBU-STL or VTT file.

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