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Convert speech to text

  • Automatic speech recognition saves hours of transcription time
  • Your speech will be transcribed to text within minutes
  • Upload, edit, and export with ease
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Speech to text transcription in minutes


Automated with up to 99% accuracy


Your audio files are confidentially stored in a secure environement

Automatic or Perfected

Choose the best solution for you

Edit yourself or request a 100% perfected transcript by our transcribers.

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Automatic transcription

Automatically transcribe speech to text with our high-end AI engines

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Manual transcription

Let our transcribers perfect your speech-to-text transcription

Upload your Speech file
Amberscript transcribing video to text upload
How it works

1. Upload your speech files

Create a free account and upload your speech file to our platform. Choose the language and the number of speakers.

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Amberscript online editor transcribing video to text
Speech to text conversion

2. Edit the text yourself or order our manual services

Once the speech to text transcription is ready, you can edit the text, highlight the most important parts, rename your speakers and adjust the timestamps. Don’t want to do it yourself? Order a manual check for 100% accuracy.

Start now
Amberscript transcribe MP3 to text, exporting the file screen shot via the transcription tool
Your speech transcription is ready!

3. Export your files

Once the transcription and edits are complete, you can export your files in multiple formats. Our platform offers the option to export your speech file transcript into text, SRT, VTT, and plenty more file formats.

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